One fine Saturday morning, my husband and I were on our way to try out a new local eatery when we took a wrong turn. Everything happens for a reason, right!? Well, we stumbled upon the most amazing field of sunflowers........I had NEVER seen so many sunflowers in one location! We just HAD to stop and capture the beauty. :)
Another morning, I was pulling out of our driveway when I noticed something in our yard.......I stopped to open my door, and get a better was a baby fawn! She was absolutely breathtaking. At first, we were very concerned that she was lost, so we consulted with wildlife rescues and learned that mother deer actually leave their young during the day (where she feels it's safe), while she forages. They later return for the baby to feed. I never knew that! What a wonderful experience!
Lastly, I wanted to share with you my morning run. There is a reservoir about fifteen minutes from our home; a FANTASTIC area with wildlife, plants, and a big beautiful body of water (oh how I love water)! I feel so lucky to have this view for my morning one morning, I just had to bring my camera! :)
God is Great! xO